Benefits of Theatre Programs for Kids – Robert Winsor Institute

If you want to get your child involved in an activity, you should consider putting him or her in theatre. In this The Robert Winsor Institute can certainly do a lot. The performing arts can be beneficial in many ways for young kids. Find out why you are advised to give this extracurricular activity a…

The Power and Magic of Listening: Part One

Power Tool: LISTENING.   Listening is where the magic lives…   Listening is opening up and hearing with not only your ears, but with each of your senses. To really hear the rain or take that moment to really taste the ice cream, or allow your eyes to take in the light through the trees…

Enhance Your Acting – The Robert Winsor Institute

You can probably fill a library with the books on how to enhance your acting! So to save you some time our experts at Robert Winsor Institute Santa Barbara have put together a summary of effective tips that will help you probably the most.   Know your script. Study, re-read and then study again, and…